Frequently Asked Questions

What are the pre-requisites for admission to the Master of Divinity program?

In order to be admitted to the M.Div. program at CRTS, an applicant must have a Bachelor degree with a minimum average of 70%. In addition, an applicant must have two years of Greek, one year of Hebrew (though two years is strongly recommended) and one year of Latin – all at university level. Full details can be found here.

Do I really need to have a Bachelor degree before I can be admitted to the M.Div. program?

Yes. The Master of Divinity program is a graduate program and a Bachelor degree must be earned before applying.

Why do I need to know Greek and Hebrew before I come to CRTS for the M.Div. program?

At CRTS we believe that it is important that preachers of the gospel should be able to study the Word of God in the original languages. This allows preachers to interpret the Scriptures for themselves and not be dependent on what commentaries or other resources tell them. For this reason, in the exegesis courses at CRTS students learn to interpret God’s Word starting from the original text in Hebrew or Greek. While Hebrew and Greek are taught at CRTS, they are taught at an advanced level.

What type of Greek or Hebrew do I need to take?

Take Classical Greek (or Biblical Greek) and Biblical Hebrew before applying to CRTS. Applicants do not need to know modern Greek or Hebrew.

What does “2 years” of Hebrew or Greek mean?

Two years of Greek or Hebrew means four one-semester courses (assuming that a semester has a length of about 12-14 weeks). At most North American universities a semester course has 3 credits. This means that 2 years of Hebrew or Greek would translate to 12 credits.

May I take my language pre-requisite courses online?

It is preferred that prospective students take their Hebrew and Greek instruction in a traditional classroom environment as part of their undergraduate degree. There are several reasons for this. One is that languages are best learned in a classroom environment with a well-trained instructor. Another is that your results will then appear on a transcript, which will make it easier for us to gauge your level of language competency when we consider your application for admission. A third reason is that fewer and fewer students are taking language courses (particularly Hebrew) in a university setting, so ongoing demand for such courses from students such as yourself can help to keep them alive.

If on-campus instruction is not available, students may opt for BibleMesh’s online language courses ( For both Hebrew and Greek, students should then take BibleMesh up to and including the “Reading 3 Level."  Students taking BibleMesh must take the Transcript Service Package (sometimes referred to as the Academic Support Package) so that they can include transcripts of their results in their application to CRTS. Students are advised to contact the Registrar before beginning online language training.

Finally, we also recommend that students start early with taking their language courses. Do not wait till the last year. This will yield better results (long-term) and also allow your results to be available on your transcripts when you apply with us.

Apart from Hebrew and Greek, what other courses are important for me to take as part of my B.A.?

For applicants to the M.Div. program, one year of Latin at university level or a full high school program is strongly recommended. A minimum of twelve lessons from an online course, Derek Cooper’s Basics of Latin, are required. For further details on the Cooper course, see here.

Why do I need to study Latin before coming to seminary?

This is an understandable question. The original languages of the Bible are Hebrew (as well as some Aramaic) and Greek. So learning those languages helps future preachers dig further into the riches of God's Holy Word. But what about Latin? At one time, centuries ago, it was the lingua franca (the common language), also in the life of the church. Today that is no longer the case. However, there are at least three key reasons that having a rudimentary understanding of Latin is important for theological studies.

1. Latin serves as an excellent introduction to the world of learning other languages. It uses the same alphabet as English and the vocabulary, generally speaking, is more familiar to English speakers. In this way Latin serves as a helpful "on-ramp" to studying Hebrew and Greek, both of which are more foreign to English speakers than Latin. For this reason, the sooner you can learn Latin in your pre-seminary studies the more advantageous it will be for you.

2. In the area of dogmatics, or systematic theology, many Latin phrases and short sentences are still used.  Here are just a few examples: communicatio idiomatum, iustitia aliena, and opera Trinitatis ad extra sunt indivisa. Sometimes these phrases are translated in theological books, but often they are not.

3. One of the subjects in Old Testament studies is the study of the original Hebrew manuscripts, also called textual criticism. This area of study requires a working knowledge of the footnotes that appear in the most widely used version of the Hebrew OT: the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. These footnotes also contain short Latin phrases or sentences.

In short, while knowing Latin is not as important for gospel ministry as learning Hebrew or Greek, it certainly remains useful and therefore is also included in the preparatory studies for the MDiv program.

Do you offer any Master’s program that does not require knowledge of Biblical languages?

No, the only Master’s level program offered at CRTS is the Master of Divinity. Two years of Greek, one year of Hebrew (two years strongly recommended) and one year of Latin are required for admission to the M.Div. program. Full details can be found here.

Does CRTS offer any other programs besides the M.Div.?

Yes, CRTS also offers a Bachelor of Theology (a three-year program) and a Diploma of Theological Studies (a two-year program). For more information on the B.Th., please see here. For more information on the Dip.Th.St. degree, please see here.

Does the seminary offer online courses?

No, the seminary does not offer any online courses.

Are there special requirements for international students?

Yes, those international students for whom English is not their first language must provide a TOEFL score with their application. Full details on the requirements for international students can be found here.

As an international student, what type of visa/permit do I need to study in Canada?

International students are required to obtain a study permit to enter Canada. More details can be found here.

Students are not required to obtain a work permit, even though students at CRTS are required to complete an internship as part of the PTP program. New government rules allow full-time international students enrolled at designated institutions in certain programs to work part-time off campus and full-time during scheduled school breaks without a work permit.

As an international student, will I have health insurance coverage in Canada?

No. International students are not covered under OHIP nor does the Seminary offer any type of health insurance. International students must come to CRTS with at least a 30-day travel insurance policy and then can obtain a more permanent health insurance plan once in Canada. The administration office can assist international students with this.

How do I apply to CRTS?

Please see here for the full application procedure.

What should I include in my autobiographical letter?

The autobiographical letter should be about 1500 words. Please tell us about yourself using your own expressions and style, and in one way or another answer the following questions:

Who are you as a person?

Why are you applying to CRTS in particular?

What does the Reformed faith mean to you?

What is your motivation and what encouragement have you received to pursue ministry?

What has been your involvement in the local church?

What have been some of your most significant learning experiences?

Applicants are also asked to disclose any serious medical conditions in their autobiographical letter. This information is important to ensure that CRTS prepares to meet, as much as feasible, each student's physical, mental, and emotional needs. The institution wishes to ensure that its facilities and environment promote the progress of all students. This letter should be sent in electronically with your application form.

What is the application deadline?

International students should submit their application documents by January 31 in order for them to have enough time to apply for a study permit. Applications from Canadian students should be received no later than March 15. If this deadline cannot be met for some reason, please contact the Registrar.

Do I have to pay an application fee to apply to CRTS?

Yes. There is a $50 application fee payable at the time of application. Your application will not be considered until the fee has been paid. Please note that payment of the application fee does not guarantee acceptance into a CRTS program.

What is the tuition fee?

Full tuition details can be found here.

Does CRTS offer any scholarships or other financial assistance?

CRTS does not offer any scholarships or financial aid. However, members of the Canadian Reformed Churches may apply for financial aid through the Needy Student Fund of the Canadian Reformed Churches. Please contact the Registrar for more information.

Does the seminary offer housing for their students?

CRTS does not have dedicated student housing. However, the administrative office can offer assistance in finding suitable housing. Further details can be found here.

What is the cost of living for a student in Hamilton?

The cost of living varies for each person as situations are different. For a general guideline to the cost of living in Hamilton, please see here.

Do I have to be a member of the Canadian Reformed Churches in order to be admitted to CRTS?

Students from other denominations are welcome. Students from denominations with whom the Canadian Reformed Churches do not have ecclesiastical fellowship will be asked to sign a declaration that they agree with the basis of the seminary. CRTS submits to the infallible Word of God and is faithful to the ecumenical creeds and the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort.

Does CRTS have different admission requirements for mature students?

CRTS has a policy concerning the admission of mature students. In order to be considered a mature student, the applicant must turn 30 prior to or at some point during their first academic year. For information on this policy, please contact the Registrar's office.

How do I get a transcript?

Please see here for details on requesting a transcript.